Streamlined property access made simple and secure.

One system

Zentra covers unit to perimeter access.

Simple workflows

Specifically designed for multifamily.

Seamless access

Give your residents the experience they deserve.

Schlage compatible

Pair Zentra with top of the line Schlage hardware.

Experience simplicity

Whether you are updating your property to electronic locks for the first time or upgrading your access control software, Zentra is your single-system solution for seamless property access. Zentra is powerful, yet it’s designed to be simple to use and easy to learn.

Operational efficiency

Gone are the days of time and expense spent at the door during resident turnover. Change resident access all from the leasing office.

Seamless experience

Set your building apart with the ease of access your residents want. From unlimited mobile credentials to easy move in and move out procedures.

Easy to use

We understand you have a lot to manage on your properties. To help with that, we have built workflows specifically for the multifamily process and to make access control simple.

Simple workflows for property managers.

Your workday is filled with the ups and downs of running a multifamily property. The last thing you need to focus on is access control. Zentra has it handled for you.

Save time

Move residents in and out and give tours all from the comfort of your own desk.

Easy to learn

As staff rotates in and out, the property doesn’t stop. You need to learn our software fast, and we make it easy with helpful training guides and videos.

Commissioning for integrators:

Zentra is dedicated to the best installation, training, and maintenance of our solution. The Zentra Authorized Integrator program is designed to make sure your preferred integrator has the proper training in order to support Zentra on your property.

  • Update firmware
  • Commission a device
  • Mobile app and mobile-friendly platform so all work can be done on the go
  • Easy to install and train

How to buy

Zentra is an important part of your property’s seamless access journey. To get Zentra for your property you can use any of the following routes:

Work with our world class Allegion team

Work with your preferred integrator